Coating Pan

PAN: The Coating Pan is Semi Ellipsoidal size pan with a circular mouth for charging & discharging of nuts, Pan mounted at an inclination of 45 degrees to the horizontal.

CONTROL PANEL: Unit provided with suitable control panel with starters and push button to actuate the drive and for blower the circuits consists of MCCBs, relays and contractors in series Ample overload protection is provided by the MCCB and the relay Wires coming out of the connections are numbered for easy recognition.

MOUNTING: The motor and gear box is mounted inside sturdy MS frame and the pan mounted on the Gearing housing fitted in the stand. Blower mounted by the side of the stand or placed in remote location if required.

FINISH: All joints argon Arc welded and all SS Parts polished to suitable finished required of equipment MS parts painted to smooth finish.

Features of the Coating Pan:

  • Heavy-duty machine ideally suited to the needs of Chocolatiers, Bakeries, Hoteliers,
  • All Stainless-Steel construction – thick gauge and food-grade 304/316 grade Stainless Steel
  • Food-grade Stainless steel Coating Bowl can hold up to 50 kgs of product
  • Electronic Temperature Controller for making fine quality chocolates – both pure and compound
  • All the crucial components – Motor, Gear box, Bearings, Switch-gear, – are sourced from world- class suppliers
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Additional information

PAN: The Coating Pan is Semi Ellipsoidal size pan with a circular mouth for charging & discharging of nuts, Pan mounted at an inclination of 45 degrees to the horizontal.

CONTROL PANEL: Unit provided with suitable control panel with starters and push button to actuate the drive and for blower the circuits consists of MCCBs, relays and contractors in series Ample overload protection is provided by the MCCB and the relay Wires coming out of the connections are numbered for easy recognition.

MOUNTING: The motor and gear box is mounted inside sturdy MS frame and the pan mounted on the Gearing housing fitted in the stand. Blower mounted by the side of the stand or placed in remote location if required.

FINISH: All joints argon Arc welded and all SS Parts polished to suitable finished required of equipment MS parts painted to smooth finish.

Features of the Coating Pan:

  • Heavy-duty machine ideally suited to the needs of Chocolatiers, Bakeries, Hoteliers,
  • All Stainless-Steel construction - thick gauge and food-grade 304/316 grade Stainless Steel
  • Food-grade Stainless steel Coating Bowl can hold up to 50 kgs of product
  • Electronic Temperature Controller for making fine quality chocolates - both pure and compound
  • All the crucial components - Motor, Gear box, Bearings, Switch-gear, - are sourced from world- class suppliers


Description Specification
Coating Pan Fabricated from 14swg SS 316/SS 304/MS AISI

quality material with 3 nos. welded baffles and mounting arrangement.




Drive Mechanism

Drive Mechanism consists of 0.5 H.P./1440 RPM/415V/3PH/50Hertz Coupled to the worm reduction gear box will mounted directly,

to get final RPM.

Drive system is enclosed in SS frame with openings for accessibility. Angle of inclination of the pan is 30 to 45 degrees to the horizontal.

Contact Parts All contact parts of the equipment are made from Stainless Steel 316/304/MS materials.