HT-18 Mid-Range Thermal Imager
- Display Screen: 3.2” Full angle TFT colour LCD
- IR Thermal Image: 220 x 160 (35,200 pixels)
- Visual Image: 640 x 480 (0.3MP)
- Thermal Sensitivity: 0.07°C
- Field Angle: 27° x 35°
- Shortest Focal Distance: 0.5m (fixed focus)
- Image Refresh Rate: 9Hz
- Range: –
20°C to +300°C - Accuracy: ±2% rdg. or ±2°C (whichever is greater)
- Resolution: 0.1°C
- Emissivity Adjustable: 0.10~1.00
- Spectral Response: 8~14µm
- Centre point and Hot/Cold markers
- Colour Palettes: Rainbow, Iron Oxide, Cold, Black & White, White & Black
- Memory: Built-
in 3GB memory (approx. 2 million images) - Image Format: JPEG
- USB port for image download
- Power Supply: Rechargeable 18650 Li-
Ion battery - c/w carry case, USB cable, charger, battery and manual
Additional information
- Display Screen: 3.2” Full angle TFT colour LCD
- IR Thermal Image: 220 x 160 (35,200 pixels)
- Visual Image: 640 x 480 (0.3MP)
- Thermal Sensitivity: 0.07°C
- Field Angle: 27° x 35°
- Shortest Focal Distance: 0.5m (fixed focus)
- Image Refresh Rate: 9Hz
- Range: -
20°C to +300°C - Accuracy: ±2% rdg. or ±2°C (whichever is greater)
- Resolution: 0.1°C
- Emissivity Adjustable: 0.10~1.00
- Spectral Response: 8~14µm
- Centre point and Hot/Cold markers
- Colour Palettes: Rainbow, Iron Oxide, Cold, Black & White, White & Black
- Memory: Built-
in 3GB memory (approx. 2 million images) - Image Format: JPEG
- USB port for image download
- Power Supply: Rechargeable 18650 Li-
Ion battery - c/w carry case, USB cable, charger, battery and manual